On the beautiful morning of Kojagiri Poornima, Sadguru Bapuji proceeded from Happy Home to Govidyapeetham Karjat, with a few devotees along with Him. All the fellow devotees who were travelling by two buses and a few cars reached Govidyapeetham by 10.15 a.m. Though all of us have known each other for quite a few years now but somehow of late had not met or interacted with one another due to lack of time arising from generally other pre occupations in life. Each one's countenance was beaming with joy and pleasure at the prospect of the reunion after such a long period. In spite of this joy every one one still had a single question drumming in their minds – Why has our dear God unexpectedly called all of us collectively today? What is exceptional that is going to take place today?
" Come Bapu has called all of you", immediately on receiving this communication, all of us on finishing our breakfast proceeded towards Bapu. On reaching the main hall we could see a new structure on the left hand side. We all started walking in that direction. We also took off our footwear before entering the place.
All our eyes shone up when we saw the scene inside the edifice. We saw P.P Bapu, Nandamai, Suchit Dada and Sameer Dada in front of us. Bapu, started asking all of us, come and see, how do you all like this? Time, minutes and years seemed to have stood still and all was erased from each one's mind. This is the most beautiful moment! - it was the universal feeling being experienced by each one present there. Bapu was smiling with immense joy and pleasure. He said, "So, do you recollect anything? Yes, this place where we all have gathered is the Dwarkamai of Shirdi. Exactly the same.
Bapuji started explaining," When Sainath was in Shirdi and the Dwarkamai that existed then - this is exactly the same Dwarkamai, the unchanged Dwarkamai of the year 1916". Really on entering that structure one wondered if the wheels of time had moved backwards? All present there experienced the identical thought. Nearly after 90 years everybody had reached Sainath's era, all of us just could not believe what was happening. Where 1916 and where we were in 2005 now?
We wondered what Hemadpant would have felt if he was amongst us now? The Sai of Shri Saisatcharit has always given to the entire universe and is eternal. If Hemadpantji was here today, how pleased he would have been, was the active thought that raced through our minds. Wish, he could have himself narrated all about Dwarkamai to us today. The flooring on the ground was the same, the same walls, the same pillars, the same place for Baba to sit, the same aasan, fireplace, the courtyard of Dwarkamai, the cooking place in the courtyard, the place where Baba used to stand - everything was just exactly the same. The most important article was right in front of Dwarkamai; it was the rock on which Baba used to sit and Sainathji's photograph above the rock. What all do I observe? What do I experience? Where all do I look? This was the state all of us were in on that day. The ones who recollected all the preceding memories just could not stop their flow of tears. Today nobody could or wanted to control the tears of joy that were rising from the innermost being of one's self. Somebody was surely sowing the seeds of Sai Aniruddha's love today.
Sameer Dada offered beautiful garlands both at Sai's photograph kept at the seat made of rock as well as the dhuni. He then very lovingly and respectfully bowed and paid obeisance at both the places. All were enthralled at this sight.
As per Bapu's instructions Sameer Dada installed our beloved Hemadpant's photograph in the Dwarkamai and offered a garland to the same too and again bowed low very humbly. Then we all followed Bapu to the holy Pushkarini tirtha. Here Bapu Himself installed the Garudstambh. Bapuji said," These two most important devotees meaning Garud and Hanumant are not different from one another. After the Murlidhar main hall was established, then for some time very important prayers were conducted here and only after the successful completion of those Upasanas today we can install this pillar over here. On this pillar is the Garud, the eagle that is Ram's vehicle. This is the centre point, which will erase our sins, and Hanuman in any case is always chanting Ram's name. In the Panchmukh Hanumatkavach Strotra when we see the face in the Panchmukhi form we can understand the oneness of both.
Bapuji Himself paid obeisance to that pillar and after putting His ear to the pillar, He hugged the same very lovingly. Bapuji said," Any kind and gentle being who puts his ear with full devotion to this pillar will surely be able to hear the Ramnaam. The Mahapraan of the universe, Hanuman is incessantly chanting Ram's name.
After the installation of the Garudstambh Bapu brought all of us back to Dwarkamai. Bapu asked all of us to sit in the open space there and He Himself along with Suchit Dada and Nandamai sat on the steps of the Dwarkamai. Bapuji then said, "Any devotee can come here, if anybody wants to experience the Sai Satcharit then that person has to just come and sit here. You can read the Sai Satcharit here, write the Ramnaam and if nothing else you can sit facing Sainath's photograph and gaze lovingly and adoringly in His eyes. We can experience the incidents and events that are described in the Sai Satcharit in this very place. Outside Dwarkamai are planted all those trees that are mentioned in the Sai Satcharit." Suddenly nobody had any other world existing at that place and moment, each one there was only eager to actually live the life during the time when the Sai Satcharit was written. Dwarkamai was now fully awake and was arousing her little infants too. Everybody was completely lost and totally immersed in Bapu's words and the peaceful environment resonant there. The mangalcharan, the 11 promises, the gajjar of Sai's name and the grand finale was Sainath's arati. Bapu was one with all the devotees during the singing of the prayers. Nobody wanted to leave this Gurukul; all had the strong urge to be there forever. Soon it was 2.30 in the afternoon. All present in Dwarkamai were actually experiencing the Sai Satcharit in some way or the other. Some read the 11th chapter of the Sai Satcharit, some were writing the Ramnaam, some were narrating Baba's tales and some were talking about grandfather Chaubal. Now the play of sun and shade since morning was replaced by dark clouds and soon after some time it started raining. It kept pouring continuously. Everybody was reminded of the 11th chapter of the Sai Satcharit. Bapuji said," For every true Sai bhakt, Sai Satcharit itself is Shirdi and the 11th chapter is Dwarkamai and the Sai sitting in Dwarkamai is the blessing and grace that is received from reading the 11th chapter.
"पुरेल अपूर्व इच्छित काम । व्हाल अंती पूर्ण निष्काम । पावाल दुर्लभ सायुज्यधाम । अखंड राम लाधाल ।"
" Purel Apurva Ichit Kaam. Vyahal Anti Purna Nishkam. Pavaal Durlabh Sayujyadhaam. Akhand Ram Ladhaal"
This is the only verse in the Shri Saisatcharit where Hemadpant has given complete assurance about being able to attain the eternal Ram. This is the Rudradhayay. Rudra meaning Shiv. Shiv also is ceaselessly chanting Ram's name. Bapu then came back to Dwarkamai at 6.30 in the evening and did the installation of the Tulsi Vrindavan in the courtyard of Dwarkamai and then initiated the Satsang. In the Satsang at first Das Ganu's "Shirdi Majhe Pandharpur" was recited 5 times, then the Sairam Jaap, followed by the gajjar of Govind Krishna Vithal, then Chaubaldada' s gajjar – "Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sairam" was chanted. Bapuji addressed all by saying, "Friends, This Dwarkamai is not a replica of the Dwarkamai in Shirdi but is the reinstatement of the original Dwarkamai itself. My dear ones come again and again to this edifice, read the Sai Satcharit, write the Ramnaam and keep on gazing lovingly at Sainathji. Where must be my Sainath seated? How would have Mirikar come here? When Madhavrao was bitten by the snake, how he must have come running here? Try and reminisce these events and through that learn to experience Baba. On coming here each being will experience peace and a sense of balance.
The pure vibrations and the holy environment here have a lot to offer to all. You can even stay here; you can sit the entire night in Dwarkamai.
"लागता या शाळेस पाय । कोण हतभागी माघारा जाय ।'
"Lagta Ya Shalesh Paaye, Kaun Hatbhaagi Maghara Jaaye".
I give you full assurance that nobody who enters this place will go back empty handed. We all will come here to celebrate the Deepotsav on the day of Kartik Ekadashi. This Dwarkamai has eight corners. Many individuals have strived very hard to create this beautiful Dwarkamai. We must first and foremost leave the habit of making excuses when we are serving God or doing any work assigned by Him and more important than that is that we must stop being untruthful in front of Him. He is filled with "Truth" Himself. When you speak lies to Him, then even if He wishes to, He cannot help you. So please immediately stop being dishonest.
I am very pleased at seeing that each one has a Ramnaam book and each one is also seeming very eager to complete this notebook. Ramnaam has a lot of strength. This is that one place which radiates energy to all in equal proportion irrespective of the kind of person."
Bapu kept talking and we went on listening, and may these moments never ever conclude was the yearning in each one's heart. It was in this very Dwarkamai that Baba had ground the grains to destroy the troubles in the minds of the people. Sainathji lit the lamps of Bhakti in the hearts of each one. Whether atheist or devotee all come to Dwarkamai for shelter in times of difficulty. Without any differentiation of this one is mine ant the other is not, Sainath blesses each one with Udi and grace. Mahalsapati and Kote Patil have stayed awake many a nights in this very Dwarkamai. The title of "Hemadpant" after the famous "Dhoolbeth" was awarded to Hemadpantji in this very Dwarkamai. Das Ganu was blessed with the Prayag Darshan also over here itself. On Diwali when Baba was refused oil, He lit lamps with the help of water instead, again in this very Dwarkamai. P.P. Bapu's great grandfather and Sadguru Shri Vidyamakrand Gopinathshastri Padhye according to the wishes of Swami Samarth had come to visit Sainathji at this very place and here itself He was asked, " Have you recognized me now atleast?" This question was asked by Baba in this Dwarkamai itself. Not one or two but innumerable devotees have come to Dwarkamai to meet Shri Sainathji. Each was sheltered and supported by Dwarkamai.
One of the devotees asked Bapu why the foundation of the Dwarkamai was being performed on the occasion of Kojagiri Poornima? Then Bapu explained that for this there are three beautiful and important reasons. The first was the description of the incident of irrepressible rain when the weather was uncontrollable and the way Sainathji had exhibited full control over the fury of nature in the eleventh chapter, the second was when Das Ganu went to seek permission from Baba to go to Prayag and was told by Baba that your Prayag is very much over here only and He was blessed with the Ganga and Yamuna river flowing from Baba's divine feet and the most important reason was that Kojagiri Poornima was the day when Sainath had arrived in Shirdi and was welcomed by Mahalsapati in the Khandoba temple with the greeting of " Come Sai". All these three very important incidents had taken place on the day of the Kojagiri Poornima itself.
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