Panchsheel Examinations are conducted by Shree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation and Shree Sai Samarth Vidnyan Prabhodini. Examinations are based on “Shree Sai Sachcharit”, written by Shree Govind Raghunath Dabholkar-Hemadpant.
As the name suggests, the exam is divided into 5 parts viz. Prathama, Dwitiya, Trutitya, Chaturtha & Panchami. The first 4 exams are theory papers based on 10 chapters in each of 100 marks exam. The fifth exam covers 2 theory papers & practicals. 1 of the theory papers will be based on the chapters 41 to 53 and the other theory paper based on the complete Sai Satcharitra. As prescribed by the course, practicals should be performed and records kept in the form of a journal through out the preparatory period for the Panchami Exam.
The Examination intends to instill human values and propagate the path of “BHAKTI” to the public at large and to future generations in particular. People of different age groups and from different walks of life appear for this examination. Till date more than 1 lakh people have appeared for this. Exam can be answered in several of languages like Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Oriya, Bengali, Punjabi and German.
Earlier participant used to go to nearest exam centre which was informed them well before along with Hall ticket. But due to large numbers of participants, now exams are revised to bring it on the lines of an Open University concept. Participants can write their examinations sitting at home and send their answer papers either by post within 3 weeks.
The exams are run at free of cost to participants and twice in the year i.e. in February and July. Thus the total duration to cover this course is 2.5 years. The address will be provided to you along with the question paper published in Daily Newspaper Pratyaksha.
To enroll for the exam - kindly send me the following details:
Full Name: (Surname) (First name) (Husband/Father’s name)
Phone No. :
Nearest Upasana Center:
If appeared for previous Sai Satcharitra exams, Please specify details of Month - year / marks secured for each exam taken.
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